When we Google for something, it shows n number of results and we end up clicking on the first page results only! We believe that the top 10 or 20 results are the best and reliable and we mostly never go to page 3 ,4 5 …etc. After creating website its our duty to rank the website higher on Google. Because top results are get clicked!

Here Are 5 Ways To Improve Search Rankings:

1) Publish readable and relevant content:
Content is one of the major ranking factors among many others. Quality content won’t only give you credibility in front of your user’s eyes, but it will increase your website traffic and give you a higher site authority.

2) Name your pages:
Its absolutely necessary to name your pages. Google hates untitled pages plus nobody would like to click on it because there’s no description of what kind of a post it is.
Pro Tip: Using your keyword in the page title WILL ALSO rank your website higher.

3) Its all about Keyword Density:
Keyword density plays an important role in ranking your blog/website higher in search results. You don’t have to spam it, you just have to put your keywords in paragrahps and in headings.

4) Link Up:
It all boils down to this, links is and always will be one of the BIGGEST ranking factor of google. Google looks at both, who you’re linking out to and who is linking to you.

5) Social Networking!:
Social networking may not directly affect your Google rankings but here’s where it gets interesting. I was trying to rank a Dentist’s website a couple of months ago, and I had this insane idea that facebook can increase their search rankings. So here’s what I did, I invested his money on Facebook ads. I created a facebook ad showing off his “Teeth Whitening “ results.

I hope this blog might have helped you to ran your website higher on Google. Just follow the tips and make your business popular ! Add your comments below if you have any questions and for your feedback! I would love to hear you!!!!